Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 20

On Monday we didn't have school have school because of Memorial Day. On Tuesday we worked on putting the aluminum on the trailer. Some people worked on finishing painting the inside of the trailer. I'm not sure if it got finished but it looks good. On Thursday our group had to cut another piece of aluminum we haven't put it on but I think it is ready to be put on, on Monday. Also on Thursday Antoinette and I worked on leveling out the back table. I was impressed of how good Antoinette made it level out. Today is our last full Friday until the last day of school next week.

Some new things I learned in this class is not to be afraid of trying new things, because it may not be as scary as you thought it would be. I didn't do much but just by watching other people do things like using the tools I learned new things. The place i was most interested in was the plants and the growth of them. What I learned is that plants are like babies. They do use a lot of care. There are also a lot of different ways to make them grow and it was cool to watch three different ways. Putting things in to the plants to make them grow was also very interesting. I do think that I could start planting over the summer and use some techniques from the class.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Week 19

This week we worked on the trailer. On Monday we painted the trailer on the outside, on both sides. On Tuesday we did a second coat around the trailer and started painting the inside. On Wednesday we did the same and did another round of paint in and out. On Thursday we continued painting. It's a nice white color and the way the trailer is looking it is looking really good and i'm really excited to see the finished product before the end of the school year.

This week's essential question: Of what are you capable of?
I don't really know what I am capable of.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Week 18

This week was pretty much was a work week. On Monday we worked on the roofing on the trailer. On Tuesday we were in the sticker area making stickers. On Wednesday we worked with these plants. What we did with the plants was put something in there so we had more blooming. Hopefully next week we can see more progress. I don't remember what day but we got computers that another teacher from another class gave us to experiment with. What we did with the computers was take them apart add find what works the whole thing, like the brain of it. It was fun taking it apart and actually seeing it in the inside.

This weeks essential question: How is California's housing market?
What I read from an article was that California's housing market is doing a lot better.
This is what I got from an article:

California is finally ramping up for the spring homebuying season, posting that March single-family home and condominium sales surged to 31,989, a 33.1% jump from 24,031 in February. This is the biggest March increase in three years, according to a report fromPropertyRadar.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Week 17

This week was a productive week. On Monday we worked on the outside trim. On Tuesday we finished the outside trim. On Wednesday we fixed the curves and bumps on the walls. On Thursday we worked on the back wall and tested it out. Today I think we are going to keep working on keeping the 2 side walls stable. With the plants I don't know what else is going on the ones inside they just aren't growing as good as the ones outside. The ones outside will be ready really soon. I hope.

This weeks essential question: Who would you be wise to emulate?
Im not really sure about this question.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Week 16

This week we worked on the trailer. What we did was cutting a thin piece of wood to put on as the roof. The other partv of our group did the trim. The roof however was really easy to do. Before we put on the roof we had to make sure the walls were evened out enough. As for the plants the tomatoes are little bit weird. What we did to kind of help it was putting in a fan to air it out. The reason for putting in the fan was to air it out because we do think that they are dying because they aren't getting enough air. So we are hoping that works as well as we think it will. The snap peas aren't doing as well as they were in the beginning, now they are dying and I have a feeling they won't make it but we can do everything we can to fix it. The outdoor tomatoes are still doing really good solely growing but making progress. The lettuce had been the same for awhile though but it still looks like it's growing good it hasn't had any problems I've noticed. I don't remember what other plants we did but I haven't seen any thing new.

This week's essential question: how do you get electricity from rotating a shaft? Why is this movement so important

What I found was that a turbine spins the shaft and electromagnets rotate very quickly inside a heavy copper coil that becomes a magnetic field and changes the energy to electricity. I don't know exactly why this movement is so important.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Week 15

This week didn't feel as productive for me. But the trailer is coming along I think that it will be done soon.  The group has been getting a lot done and everybody is seems pretty satisfied with how it's coming along. The plants inside still haven't been shocked and I was really hoping they would be so we can see improvement. I've noticed that they have just been dying but some flowers are growing. The plants outside are doing really good they are growing good and how they are supposed to.

This week's essential question: where does plastic come from and how do we form it into all those shadows

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 14

This week was another productive week. With the plants we haven't shocked the indoor plants but I have noticed a couple flowers growing and hopefully these last and somebody doesn't pull them off this time. The plants outside are growing way better than the indoor plants, there is some baby cherry tomatoes growing still. As for the trailer it's also progressing we have been putting on the studs that seemed to go pretty helpful. It's better when the whole group is helping each other out with this project.

This weeks essential question: When you flush the toilet at Rancho, where does it go?
When we flush the toilets at Rancho the waste water goes to the Laguna Waste water Treatment Plant. Which is located about two miles North West of Rohnert Park.