Friday, April 24, 2015

Week 15

This week didn't feel as productive for me. But the trailer is coming along I think that it will be done soon.  The group has been getting a lot done and everybody is seems pretty satisfied with how it's coming along. The plants inside still haven't been shocked and I was really hoping they would be so we can see improvement. I've noticed that they have just been dying but some flowers are growing. The plants outside are doing really good they are growing good and how they are supposed to.

This week's essential question: where does plastic come from and how do we form it into all those shadows

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 14

This week was another productive week. With the plants we haven't shocked the indoor plants but I have noticed a couple flowers growing and hopefully these last and somebody doesn't pull them off this time. The plants outside are growing way better than the indoor plants, there is some baby cherry tomatoes growing still. As for the trailer it's also progressing we have been putting on the studs that seemed to go pretty helpful. It's better when the whole group is helping each other out with this project.

This weeks essential question: When you flush the toilet at Rancho, where does it go?
When we flush the toilets at Rancho the waste water goes to the Laguna Waste water Treatment Plant. Which is located about two miles North West of Rohnert Park.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Week 13

This week we came from spring break and it was a pretty progressive week. As for our plants they have been doing okay. The tomato plants inside aren't growing as good as the ones outside, the reason for that is because the plants outside feel like they are going to die anytime soon and the ones inside aren't feeling like that because they are being well taken care of. The snap peas are growing great! As for the trailer we raised the walls and put up support beams.

This weeks essential question: How Does The Water Crisis Affect You?
The water crisis affects me because it means that I have to cut down on certain things I do. There are going to be a lot of changes because of it. It's going to be hard to adjust to saving as much water as I can but i'm not the only one who has to try to save.