Friday, October 31, 2014

Week 11

This week was a productive week. We worked on AutoCad 3D and we worked on 3D objects. We first looked at a cathedral and used different tools to see it at different angles. We also did MIG Welding but I didn't get a chance to try it out. I'm excited to see how I do when I do start working on it. If we weren't working on MIG Welding we just finished up our CNC routing projects what I did was make a new piece and I made sure it was bigger than the last piece I made just so I can fit what I wanted to fit. I tried to spray paint mine two different colors black on the bottom and red on the top kind of like an ombre.

Our essential question was,What is fracking and why are Americans so interested in talking about it?

Fracking is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth. Fracking makes it possible to produce natural gas extraction in shale plays that were once unreachable with conventional technologies. Recent advancements in drilling technology have led to new man-made hydraulic fractures in shale plays that were once not available for exploration. In fact, three dimensional imaging helps scientists determine the precise locations for drilling.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 10

This week was different than the others, we all worked on MasterCam QuickPart and learned some new things about it and how it works.It's amazing how it can put in different designs on your project. On Tuesday I worked on making curves on my piece of wood so it doesn't have the sharp corners. After i did the curves I spray painted it red and on Thursday I actually got to get started in my project. I put my uncle's name and birthday and day he passed away on it. My project didn't come out as planned the letters were to small that you couldn't really see the detail of the font. What I plan on doing today is getting a bigger piece of wood and improving it. So far this has been a great week!

The essential question of the week is "Why is made in America" so important these days?

These days, “Made in America” isn’t as clear-cut as it used to be. Most Americans are aware that products branded with American labels may be made in overseas factories or assembled here with parts made overseas. Three-fourths of consumers say being manufactured in the U.S. is crucial for them to consider it “made in America.” Half say being made by an American company or having parts manufactured in the U.S. is what matters. Only one-fourth cared whether a product was designed by an American.
Although buying American matters to all age groups, older respondents (age 48-plus) were the most likely to say it’s important to do so. Women also placed greater importance on buying American than men do. Perhaps surprisingly, three-fourths of both Republicans and Democrats say buying American is important, compared to just 60 percent of independents.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 8&9

In week 8 we shared our class with an English class. When the English class came to ours we made planter boxes. All of us worked together to finish the boxes. The second day they came to our class they did something from their English class we read pieces of a book and we explained what we thought was going on in that piece. I never really noticed how much information came be in a couple sentences. I'm really happy that we got to spend time with a couple of other students so we can teach them what we know and they came to us showing what they know.

In week 9 we worked on our projects on Monday and Tuesday. My group and I have been done with our projects so we are just making our own stickers to keep us busy. This week we were assigned to fill out a performance evaluation self week self review and our teacher will call us up to go over our grade and what we need to work on to improve ourselves. I think that this year I have tried my hardest but I do have somethings to work on. The question of the week was what are the top three job qualities you need. The three qualities you need is to be on time, show up, and have a positive attitude.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Week Seven

This week we switched it up a little we did our project work Monday and Tuesday and worked in AutoCAD Wednesday and Thursday. With our project we are so close to being done we added a new quote to the window that says caution duct tape may fail. Our window is coming out amazing i didn't think that it would turn out to look like that. In AutoCAD we did a die stamp challenge, the die challenge didn't even compare to the ones we've done before. It was a lot more difficult than it looked we had to use the tools we learned and we were kind of on our own.

This weeks essential question was, what is the minimum wage debate? Minimum wage is the lowest wage by law or a special agreement. President Obama is trying to raise minimum wage.